The weekend is finally here! Lately, I have been feeling like the weekend is my consistent home base when I can catch up or get ahead on work (if I am lucky) and catch up on sleep and just organize my life back to order.
This post is somewhat of a personal reminder but also I thought might be helpful to share with all of you.
This being my last year of college, the stress of adult life approaching and looking for a full-time job is becoming very real. At my school, the University of Virginia, there are so many incredible people that always inspire me and push me to work hard. I love this kind of atmosphere because the people that I do life with here challenge me! It's such a special place. But at the same time, this kind of atmosphere can also be exhausting. It's hard not to compare yourself to thousands of successful peers and fall down that dark place. It's hard to have always things figured out because it "seems" like everyone else has everything figured out.
The truth is that it's okay not to be okay. This is the reminder that I really needed especially after this busy/crazy week. It's okay to not have things figured out but working towards that goal of figuring things out. It's okay not to have answers to all the questions, no one does, even if it "seems" like people do. It's okay to ask questions (I probably sound like a teacher saying this), but asking questions will help you learn things and make you better at something. Being inquisitive goes a loooonnnggg way. From my experience, I have only regrets NOT asking a question. I have never regretted asking a question.
So let yourself breathe and stop for a minute to put things into perspective and not get carried away in the crazy, fast-pace of life. Prayer has always helped me. Meditation and just doing breathing exercises in general also helps me feel so much better even if it's just 5 minutes at the end of a busy day.
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Top: Free People (click here)