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Living in the present

Anna Makarova

simply chic by anna fashion blog
simply chic by anna fashion blog
simply chic by anna fashion blog
simply chic by anna fashion blog
simply chic by anna fashion blog
simply chic by anna fashion blog
simply chic by anna fashion blog

Hi all,

Today I wanted to share something that I think we all need to be reminded of...

I am currently reading a book called "You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero. Those of you that know me well, can attest that I love motivational books. I need a constant reminder about certain things in life and reading motivational books can be really helpful for me to remember the important, big-picture things.

If you read my New Year's Resolution post, you know that one of my goals for the year is to live in the moment. In Chapter 3, Jen Sincero does a great job reminding us why it's important and how to live in the moment, so I thought I would share a bit of that with you guys.

The chapter starts with one of my favorite quotes by Lao Tzu (ancient Chinese philosopher), "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living the present". I often find myself being anxious about the future and what God has in store for me. I often overanalyze the past and stress about things that I could have done, when in reality there is no good in that as I miss out on living in the actual present.

She goes on to say, "it never ceases to amaze me the precious time we spend chasing the squirrels around our brains, playing out our dramas, worrying about [things], seeking adoration, justifying our actions, complaining about slow Internet connections, dissecting the lives of idiots, when we are sitting the middle of a full-blown miracle that is happening right here right now." There are so many things that I love about this quote! It reminded me about how much time I waste doing things that are irrelevant. How much time I spend discussing things that won't lead to anything. Or how much time I spend complaining about things that won't be changed.

Time is so precious that it's far better to focus on the present. To live in the moment, and not to dwell about the past.

Hope you enjoyed this message! Have a great day!

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